The use of logging mechanisms means that the exception is lost or the exception message is removed. 使用日志机制意味着会丢失异常或异常消息。
However, you'll still need to use the old try-catch style if you want to test the exception's detail message or other properties. 但是如果您想要测试异常的详细消息或其他属性,则仍然需要使用旧式的try-catch样式。
The exception message is also displayed; this message might contain sensitive information. 同时也显示异常消息;这个消息可能包含敏感信息。
Displays the message defined in the default resource properties file with key "error. database", the exception type and the exception message when the exception is thrown. 我们的exception.jsp会显示默认的资源属性文件中关键字为“error.database”的消息,以及异常被抛出时的异常类型和异常消息。
In the second case, the exception has been logged and the exception message and stack trace is available, but it doesn't contain the necessary information to resolve the exception's cause. 在第二种情况中,这个异常被记录下来,并且可以看到异常消息,也能够跟踪堆,但是它并不包含足够发现异常根源的必要信息。
The old test tried printing the object without the setup, caught the exception if it occurred, then printed with the setup if needed ( and gave a message about what happened). 老的测试会试图不借助设置去打印对象,如果发生异常则捕获之,然后如果需要的话借助设置再去打印(并给出一个关于所发生事情的消息)。
If you deploy the flow without having set Coordinated Transaction, the Java code validation with throw a user exception and cause any message input to be rejected 如果在未设置CoordinatedTransaction的情况下部署流,Java代码验证将引发用户异常,并导致拒绝所有消息输入
In the first case, either the exception message or the entire exception is completely lost, making it difficult to know that the problem exists or to gain basic information about it. 在第一种情况中,异常消息或整个异常可能会完全丢失,这使我们很难发现问题或者了解问题的基本信息。
If this exception isn't caught, it will immediately kill the application with an error message and stack trace dumped to the console. 如果这个异常没有被捕捉到,它将立即关闭应用程序,并将一条错误消息和栈跟踪输出到控制台。
You might see the following exception message 您可能看到下列异常信息
This is where the exception is caught and its primary message is displayed. 这就是异常被捕获并且显示出原始的信息的位置。
However, an exception will occur instead of a successful response message because the WS-Policy in the sample application is invalid. 但是,这将产生一个异常,而不是返回一条成功响应消息,因为样例应用程序中的WS-Policy是无效的。
WSCI can raise an exception based on a fault message from WSDL, a message content, or an event ( for example, Timeout event). WSCI能抛出一些异常,它们来自于WSDL、信息内容或事件(例如,超时事件)的错误信息。
The exception is producing a message that contains insufficient information. 这个异常产生的消息所包含的信息量不足。
The Java exception name is derived from the WSDL fault message's name; in this case FaultMsg. Java异常名称派生自WSDL错误消息的名称,在本例中为FaultMsg。
The exception message box is a supported managed assembly designed to elegantly handle managed code exceptions. 异常消息框是支持的托管程序集,旨在很好地处理托管代码异常。
When an exception occurs, the runtime makes available a text message to inform the user of the nature of the error and to suggest action to resolve the problem. 当异常发生时,运行库产生文本消息通知用户错误的性质并提供解决该问题的操作建议。
The value can not be accessed because there was an exception during message processing. 由于在处理消息的过程中发生异常,因此无法访问该值。
Gets the exception message, not including the project file. 获取异常消息,不包括项目文件。
If an invalid product ID is entered, an exception message is displayed. 如果输入无效的产品id,则显示一条异常消息。
A string containing the fully qualified name of this exception and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace. 一个字符串,包含该异常的完全限定名,还可能包含错误信息、内部异常的名称和堆栈跟踪。
There would be a schema invalid exception message raised. 答案是会有一个Schema无效的异常信息被抛出。
If no exception handler for a given exception is present, the program stops executing with an error message. 如果给定异常没有异常处理程序,则程序将停止执行,并显示一条错误信息。
If an exception is thrown by the JS interpreter, the message will typically be extremely cryptic due to the nature of JS minification. 如果异常被JS解释器抛出,异常消息因为JS的简化通常晦涩难懂。
Exception is thrown if a Microsoft message queuing internal error occurs. 如果发生microsoft消息队列内部错误,则引发。
If it fails to find a handler for the exception, an error message is displayed and the application is terminated. 如果未能找到异常的处理程序,则将显示错误信息并终止应用程序。
Property holds entries in which the file or directory path is the key and the specific exception message is contained in the corresponding value. 属性保存一些条目,其中文件或目录路径是键,而特定异常消息包含在相应的值中。
Otherwise, it displays the unhandled exception message and terminates the application. 否则,显示一个错误信息并终止程序。
An exception specific to message queuing was thrown. 引发了消息队列特定的异常。